last week in bandera

last week in bandera

the mundane began to captivate my attention more and more as my time in this sweet town came to an end for a while... the past few months have been spiritually one of the most crushing seasons. the Lord has refined so much in my heart. filming small moments as I drew closer to leaving just made sense...I didn’t want to forget or miss the simple goodness that each day holds within the chaos.

I wanted to remember the way Jed laughs when he splashes water in his momma’s arms. I wanted to remember how awkward/ silly that barbed wire gate is to open because soon there will be a real gate that will guard the sweet families that dwell in the hills before it. I wanted to remember what the rain sounds like from our front porch in the the sunlight comes through our bedroom windows in the evening.

I believe that Jesus put beauty in these small moments just to continually show us that he is near...that he simply loves us. so maybe this lil film is just an attempt to recognize that......he is near to the broken-hearted, the sick, the lonely...the known and the forgotten, the abused, the tired, the sad and the joy-filled.

He is near when I’m a thousand miles away from home. He is in all of it. He is here with us.

another traverse

another traverse

a girl and her horse

a girl and her horse