things learned in high school...
Drive with the windows down.
Ask lots of questions.
Coffee is your best friend.
Serve. Even when no one is watching.
Choose your friends wisely. You hear it all the time but you truly become who you hang out with. Choose quality peeps to do life with.
Take care of your self. Eat right. Stay healthy. And SLEEP.
Make mistakes and learn from them.
Don't get too stressed. That one exam won't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Pray. With/for anyone. Just to talk to God. He's your pal.
Be bold. Take risks.
Say thank you. So many people around you want to help you succeed. Don't forget to express your appreciation.
Go to Friday morning bible study. It's definitely worth getting up early. And there is food.
Yes, everyone worries about what other people think about them, but do not let it control you. People will love you for you. Be proud of you who are.
Take this note to your future self: Find a husband/wife that loves you like Mr Littleton loves his wife👍🏼
Lunch table clicks are dumb. Sit wherever you want/with whoever you want.
Bring your bible to chapel, even if people look at you funny.
Get anything, it's worth it. And you'll gain more confidence in yourself
Follow through. If you say you'll do something, mean it.
Smile more. A smile goes a long way. Even on the bad days.
Wearing pounds of makeup is not worth it.
Work hard. Get your hands dirty.
Get to know your teachers. They actually do care more about your sanity more than your grades.
Don't get caught up in the petty drama. It can cause unnecessary/avoidable destruction between people you care about. No one likes that.
Try new things, you never know what could happen.
Push yourself. You are capable of more than you think.
Listen. Look people in the eyes.
Celebrate other people's achievements. Get pumped for success.
School spirit is NOT lame! Scream and shout and get crazy, even if your the only one.
Don't spend so much time on your phone...yes I probably sound like your mother but trust me...that little device doesn't need more attention than the beautiful souls sharing life with you.
Every person is made in God's image. Respect them.
Spark notes/ Grade saver WILL save you. (Maybe attempt to read too ;) )
Set tangible goals and take action to achieve them.
Get to know the lunch ladies. They are super sweet.
Go to prom/homecoming dances. You'll regret it if you don't.
Appreciate home cooked meals. You'll miss them soon.
Group projects are not as bad as you think. Be open and do your part. Be a team player.
Procrastination in moderation ;) don't want to be scrambling around at the last minute.
Complaining won't solve anything. Yes life sucks sometimes but don't dwell on the negatives too much, you'll just make yourself and the people around you more miserable.
Asking for help in NOT weakness. Don't be ashamed to ask for it.
Don't take the simple things for granted