inked on a couch (pt 1)
On one of our toughest backpacking trips during our Walkabout gap year, we hiked the Guad mountains in freezing rain. It was constantly pretty gloomy and dark as we plodded our way through lush ridge lines and up endless switchbacks but every once in a while this beautiful, vibrant red flower would pop up on the side of the trail. It's called an Indian paint brush and every time it was seen, it was a reminder to me that the burning legs and soggy socks would be worth it, I didn't know how or why, but I just knew it would. And it was. We conquered the guad and so many more things during Walkabout. We've grown through the darkness and the hardships from the past. Jesus has redeemed us and renewed our hearts to be vibrant sources of hope and joy. We still have a long way to go...we still have so much to learn...but it's all part of such a grand adventure…